All our two year seasoned logs are hardwood, they are truly sustainable having been sourced from woodland on our own farm. The logs are a mixture of Ash, Beech, Birch and Sycamore which are known to burn longer and give off more heat than softwood. After felling, the timber is stacked and left for at least two years to dry out, the logs are then processed ready for sale. After two years of natural air drying the moisture content of the logs are typically 20%. At this moisture content you can be sure that your wood will readily burn, generating little smoke. Our firewood logs are cut to a standard 23cm (9”) length. We deliver the loose logs either with a tipping trailer or in cubic meter vented bags, the bags are unloaded by a crane fitted to the delivery vehicle, the logs are then tipped out of the bag. Load sizes stated are approximate volume size. The amount stated refers to loose volume not stacked.
Free delivery to most YO,HG and LS postcodes.